Long Way to Go, but We will Walk Together, Anyway.




    Medicine and Education For All

    We believe in a world where everyone, regardless of where they live, has the right to choose, decide, and access the healthcare and education they need.

    With unwavering dedication, we commit ourselves to playing our part in making this vision a reality.

    This is our mission.

    To fulfill this mission, we provide professional management support to create an environment where each individual recognizes their mission, role, leadership, and responsibility.

    By doing so, we empower, support, and inspire one another.


    Medicine and Education For All.

    mefa management

    Our service is to support Development of Creative Human Resources and Organisation that make a difference for Equal Access and Quality of Education and Healthcare.

    Management Support based on Customer (Patient) Focused Strategy (CFS)

    Management in harmony with local communities

    * CFS case study at Imperial College London Business School presented by Y. Nakayama, mefa Rep.

    We support to :

    • conduct a marketing survey based on CFS;
    • elaborate the corporate concept, mission and value;
    • design project operational plans;
    • develop a management strategy;
    • facilitate marketing mix;
    • promote cooperate branding.

    Current Project

    Strengthening a sense of Professionalism

    Designing & Managing Capacity Development Programme

    We support to :

    • introduce in-service training programmes;
    • plan and facilitate leadership training for business executives;

    through lectures on, for example,

    • output and contribution, growth management
    • business communication and its practices
    • self-talk management
    • coaching / medical coaching
    • medical security management,

    * curricula example for an introductory training program

    Tackling Global Issues

    Total management of International Cooperation Projects

    • Capacity Development for the education sector
    • Community and people-centered participatory regional development;
    • HIV/AIDS projects.

    Business Reports



    PRC (China), Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Tanzania, Kenya, Senegal, Zambia, Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho, etc.,


    MEFA Management Ltd.

     Strategic Management Support for Heath & Education Sectors 

    • over the PRINCIPLES

    Stay your dream

    Be passionate

    Keep Challenging


     "MEFA" stands for "Medicine & Education For All"


    "Medicine/health care" and "Education" are the main two areas of MEFA drew two ellipses, crossed mutually, and formed the shape of a heart showing the rapport with people all over the world.

    • OFFICE

    19-6 Midorimachi Gamagori City Aichi, JAPAN 443-048

    A member of the Gamagori Chamber of Commerce


    broken image

    Presentations and Reports


    broken image

    Scalarship handbook for higher education 


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    Philosopher/ Educator


    Tadanobu Hamasato

    His words


  • Rooted in Nature: My Path to International Cooperation I was born and raised in the Osumi...
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    The first round of management support consultation via email is free of charge (equivalent to approximately 30 minutes of work).

    Consultation on child education is offered voluntarily. Please feel free to contact us.